Monthly Brooklyn Young Republicans Meeting
Wednesday, January 15th @ 8pm
Brooklyn GOP HQ
7620 17th Avenue
Brooklyn GOP HQ
7620 17th Avenue
Join us for our first monthly meeting of 2014. We will be discussing the upcoming election calendar and our club goals for the coming year. Whether you are a regular member, have not been to a meeting in a while, or are just interested in seeing what we are all about, please stop by for our meeting next week.
Also, our club elections are coming up at our February meeting, so if you are interested in running for one of our 4 elected officer positions, please be sure to submit your Intent to Run before our January meeting. This can be sent to our club email,, or delivered before the start of our January meeting. If you have any questions about the election process or the requirements of each office, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at the email address above.
And a reminder, we are collecting 2014 club dues. You can pay in person at our meeting on Wednesday at the low rate of $15 for the year, $10 if you are a college student. You can also pay online by clicking on the "Pay Now" button on the right of this page.