Monthly Brooklyn Young Republicans Meeting
Wednesday, February 19th @ 8pm
Brooklyn GOP HQ
7620 17th Avenue
Join us for our next monthly meeting on Wednesday February 19th. We will be discussing President Obama's State of the Union address and the upcoming CPAC in Washington, DC. We will also be holding our club officer elections at this meeting. Here are the club members who are running for office:
Office of President - Diana Sepulveda
Office of Vice President - Vito DiGiovanni
Office of Vice President - Frank Morale
Office of Treasurer - Russell Gallo
Office of Secretary - William O'Neill
All members and those interested in joining our club are welcome to attend the meeting. In order to cast a vote in our club elections, you need to be a member in good standing and have paid your 2014 club dues. 2014 dues will be accepted before the start of the next meeting, and can also be paid in person at the Brooklyn GOP Radio Show every Wednesday night at Brooklyn GOP HQ, or online via the "Pay Now" button on the right of this page.