Friday, December 27, 2013

Farewell to 2013.... Hello 2014

The Brooklyn Young Republicans would like to extend to everyone best wishes for a great 2014!!

2014 is bound to be an exciting year as we will have races in Brooklyn for US Congress, State Senate & State Assembly, as well as the state-wide race to unseat Governor Cuomo. 
If you are interested in running for office in Brooklyn, please contact us at and we will get you information you need to know and put you in touch with the Brooklyn GOP & your District Leaders.

As a reminder, our next Brooklyn YRs meeting is on January 15th at 8 pm at Brooklyn GOP HQ (7620 17th Avenue, Bensonhurst).
Our club elections are coming up at our February meeting, so if you are interested in running for one of our 4 elected officer positions, please be sure to submit your Intent to Run before our January meeting. This can be sent to our club email,, or delivered before the start of our January meeting. If you have any questions about the election process or the requirements of each office, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at the email address above.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

The Brooklyn Young Republicans would like to extend warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and wonderful holiday season to our members, their families, and those in our community.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Brooklyn YRs Get Into The Holiday Spirit

Brooklyn Young Republicans Pull Double Duty This Holiday Season By Conducting Successful Food & Toy Drives

This month, the Brooklyn Republican Party and the Brooklyn Young Republicans ran two joint holiday drives – a toy drive to benefit the children of Soldiers in the NY National Guard and a food drive for families in need for the Basilica of Regis Pacis in Brooklyn.  

Throughout December, the Brooklyn Young Republicans have done double duty collecting non-perishable food for families in need and conducting a toy drive at the same time.  “The response to both of our drives has been fantastic,” said Diana Sepulveda, President of the Brooklyn Young Republicans.  “Both drives exceeded my expectations.”

This past week, Diana Sepulveda delivered toys to the children of Soldiers of the NY National Guard 1-258th Field Artillery Unit as part of the Brooklyn Young Republicans’ joint toy drive with the Brooklyn Republican Party.  This week, Diana Sepulveda will be dropping off the non-perishable food collected at Regina Pacis.  

“Delivering those toys to so many smiling faces was a thrill I will never forget”, said Sepulveda.  “This is the season of giving, and I am glad to be able to bring some joy to those who need a little happiness this time of year.”

Brooklyn Republican Chair Craig Eaton was happy to support these initiatives.  “Diana is a true leader of our younger generation of Republicans, who have genuinely shown that they care about their community.  I am happy to support them in all they do.”

Brooklyn YRs President Diana Sepulveda with the toys
and food items collected during December

Brooklyn GOP Chairman Craig Eaton and
Brooklyn YRs President Diana Sepulveda

Brooklyn YRs Diana Sepulveda and Russell Gallo (as Santa)
giving toys to children of National Guard Soldiers

Brooklyn YRs Diana Sepulveda and Russell Gallo (as Santa)
giving toys to children of National Guard Soldiers

Friday, December 13, 2013

Brooklyn YRs Social - Great Times with Great Friends

The Brooklyn YRs had our December Social at Gotham City Billiards in Gravesend this past Wednesday evening. There were over 20 YRs present to play pool, talk politics, and enjoy time with each other during the holiday season.

Thanks to all those who attended to make the event such a success!!

And special thanks to our sponsors, Chairman Craig Eaton of the Brooklyn GOP and the 47th Assembly District Leaders Phyllis Carbo & Ron D'Angelo.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Reminder.... Brooklyn YR Social on Wednesday 12/11

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 (7-10pm)

Brooklyn YR Social!

93 Avenue U, btwn W 9th and W 10th
Avenue U stop on N or F train
25th Avenue stop on D train

$15 for dues paying members, $20 for guests

3 hours of pool, appetizers and refreshments included.
Beer and wine available for purchase.

Special thanks to Chairman Craig Eaton and the 47th Assembly District Leaders Phyllis Carbo and Ron D'Angelo for being sponsors for this event.

If you have not done so already, please RSVP to

Click Here To Pay in Advance
Payments by cash or check will be accepted at the door or at Brooklyn GOP HQ on
Wednesday 12/4 from 8 pm to 10 pm.