Thursday, February 27, 2014

Open Letter to Brooklyn YRs

Please see below a letter that I sent to the New York State Young Republicans today.....

New York State Young Republican Governing Board,
Please let this email serve as my immediate resignation as Chair of the New York State Young Republicans.

I have come to the realization that I do not share the vision nor the direction this Board is going in and cannot continue in the capacity of Chair. 
A phrase we have used during campaign season in Brooklyn was “never lose sight of the house.” There have been times recently where I feel members in this organization have lost sight of what we are here to do. Our Founders did not intend for us to have the highest bank balance or hand out the most awards. I encourage everyone to re-read our incorporation documents to ensure that this organization is always mindful of our Founders’ intent.

Local clubs are the heart of our organization; I am fortunate to be president of one of the best in the state. If they feel unwanted, if they fall apart, if they feel we are not a benefit to them, then we cease to be a positive force and in some ways stunt their growth. Our goals should always focus on ensuring that local clubs thrive in their counties. They are the current and future leaders of our organization & our party and without them, New York will turn even more blue in years to come.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve in your organization over the past few years. I will be available during the transition process with my experience and documents that I will hand over to the next Chair.
Diana M Sepulveda

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2014 Club Officers Election Results

We held our 2014 Club Officer Elections at our monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 19th.
Congrats to our newly elected Officers:
President - Diana Sepulveda
Vice President - Vito DiGiovanni
Treasurer - Russell Gallo
Secretary - William P O'Neil, III
Special thanks for Frank Morale and Sherry DeSantis, our outgoing Vice President and Secretary, for their hard work over the years.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Next Meeting

Monthly Brooklyn Young Republicans Meeting

Wednesday, February 19th @ 8pm
Brooklyn GOP HQ
7620 17th Avenue

Join us for our next monthly meeting on Wednesday February 19th. We will be discussing President Obama's State of the Union address and the upcoming CPAC in Washington, DC. We will also be holding our club officer elections at this meeting. Here are the club members who are running for office:

Office of President - Diana Sepulveda
Office of Vice President - Vito DiGiovanni
Office of Vice President - Frank Morale
Office of Treasurer - Russell Gallo
Office of Secretary - William O'Neill

All members and those interested in joining our club are welcome to attend the meeting. In order to cast a vote in our club elections, you need to be a member in good standing and have paid your 2014 club dues. 2014 dues will be accepted before the start of the next meeting, and can also be paid in person at the Brooklyn GOP Radio Show every Wednesday night at Brooklyn GOP HQ, or online via the "Pay Now" button on the right of this page.