Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Petitioning Update

Ongoing Petitioning in Greenpoint and Williamsburg

Our own YR Bill Davidson, candidate for State Assembly for AD 50, needs our help with petitioning. Over the next two weeks, Bill will be out gathering signatures every night (weather permitting). Let's help Bill get on the ballot for November's election!!

For more information and to volunteer to walk with Bill one evening, you can respond to this email or you can visit Bill's campaign Facebook page at the following: Bill Davidson for New York State Assembly 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Monthly Meeting - Wednesday June 18th

Monthly Brooklyn Young Republicans Meeting
Wednesday, June 18th @ 8pm
Brooklyn GOP HQ
7620 17th Avenue
Join us for our monthly meeting tomorrow Wednesday, June 18th. We will be discussing petitioning updates and upcoming events. In addition, there are two positions in the New York State Young Republicans that are open, Vice-Chair and Corresponding Secretary. Elections are being held at their July 26th meeting in White Plains. Full details will be discussed at our meeting.
A reminder that the Brooklyn Republican Party's 2014 Lincoln Day Reception is on Sunday June 22nd at Garguilo's Restaurant. If you plan on attending the Lincoln Day Celebration and want to be seated at the YR table, we will also be collecting the payments for the luncheon at our meeting. Tickets for Active Members are $100 and College Members are $75.
For more details about our meeting or attending the Lincoln Day Reception, please email